Thank you for your understanding and cooperation to JFMA’s activities.
We will provide about 90 educational seminars and panel discussions for three days. 26 exhibitors will join the exhibition at the same time. We expect more than 4,000 people from all over the world will attend the Forum.
It is the biggest FM event now in Japan.
'The Asia FM Summit' invites people related to FM from foreign countries and they discuss issues in English.
- 1. FACILITY MANAGEMENT FORUM 2019 Program at a glance
FACILITY MANAGEMENT FORUM 2019 Website(Japanese Only) :
(1) Theme:
'For the future! The future of FM, Pursuing new value'
-The times change. Facility Management that supports people, organizations and society-
(2) Schedule: February 20st - 22rd 2019
(3) Venue: Tower Hall Funabori
4-1-1 Funabori Edogawa-ku Tokyo, Japan 134-0091
Phone: +81-3-5676-2211
Home Page:
(Japanese Only)
(4) Hosted by: Japan Facility Management Association
(5) Contents:
Keynote speech, Special speech, Educational seminars (about 90 items), JFMA Award memorial speech and ceremony, Networking party, The Global FM Summit, Member's Promotion Seminar, Exhibition, etc.
- 2. Event Program Schedule
・Program Download: FACILITY MANAGEMENT FORUM 2019 Program
■February 20st(Wed.)
【Seminars】 Tower Hall Funabori 5F Grand hall
(1) 13:30-13:40 Speech of organizer -Chair Yamada (JFMA)
(2) 13:40-14:10 Recommended Lecture -Toshimasa Itaya
(3) 14:10-15:00 Keynote Lecture -Masami Takahashi (WeWork conpanies Inc.)
(4) 15:10-16:30 Special Lecture -Satoshi Iwao
(5) 16:40-17:40 Special Lecture -Toshimasa Matsuoka
(6) 17:50-18:50 FM course for biginner To learn about FM basics -Ichiro Narita
(Japanese Only)
■February 21nd(Thu.)
【Exhibition】 09:50-18:30 1F Exhibition hall(09:30-09:50 Opening Ceremony)
【Seminars】 5F Grand hall and Small hall, 2F Meeting rooms and 4F training room
(1) 10:20-11:50 Keynote Lecture -Hirotaka Takeuchi (Harvard Business School Professor/Professor emeritus at she Hitotsubashi University)
(2) 11:50-12:40 Lunch break (Communication buffet★)
(3) 12:40-13:20 Special Lecture -Michiko Kamada
Educational seminars
(4) 13:30-14:10 Educational seminars
(5) 14:10-14:35 Tea time break
(6) 14:35-15:15 Special Lecture -Ken Fukunishi
Educational seminars, Member's Promotion seminar
(7) 15:25-16:05 Educational seminars, Member's Promotion seminar
JFMA Award ceremony(16:10start)
(8) 16:05-16:30 Tea time break
(9) 16:30-17:10 Educational seminars, Member's Promotion seminar,
JFMA Award ceremony, Asia FM Summit★
(10)17:20-18:00 Educational seminars, Member's Promotion seminar,
JFMA Award ceremony, Asia FM Summit
(11)18:30-20:00 Networking party★
★ Communication buffet :2F Room HOURAI(蓬莱) 11:30-12:40
Communication time of FM related members and lightmeal lunch buffet.
**Important-A special fee is needed.
・Special entrance fee : 500JPY (200 first arrival-limited)
★ Asia FM Summit :2F Room FUKUJU(福寿) 16:30-18:00
Argument about FM cercumstances of Asian countries with presentations and disscussions.
**the presentations and panel discussion form used in English only
**Important-After registration in an general reception desk in the 2nd floor, please come to Room FUKUJU(福寿) on the 2nd floor.
★ Networking party :2F Room ZUIUN(瑞雲) 18:30-20:00
Communication party of an FM related person and JFMA award winning celebration party.
**Important-A special fee is needed in an party reception desk in a party meeting place.
・Special entrance fee : 5,000JPY
■February 22rd(Fri.)
【Exhibition】 09:50-18:00 1F Exhibition hall
【Seminars】 5F Small hall, 2F Meeting rooms and 4F training room
(1) 10:20-11:00 Special Lecture -Kenji Satake
Educational seminars, JFMA Award memorial speech,
(2) 11:10-11:50 Special Lecture -Kenji Satake
Educational seminars, JFMA Award memorial speech
(3) 11:50-12:40 Lunch break (Communication buffet★)
(4) 12:40-13:20 Special Lecture -Kotaro Takemura
Educational seminars, JFMA Award memorial speech
(5) 13:30-14:10 Special Lecture -Kotaro Takemura
Educational seminars, JFMA Award memorial speech
(6) 14:10-14:35 Tea time break
(7) 14:35-15:15 Special Lecture -Masahiro Fukuhara
JFMA Award memorial speech, Member's Promotion seminar
(8) 15:25-16:05 Special Lecture -Masahiro Fukuhara
JFMA Award memorial speech, Member's Promotion seminar
(9) 16:05-16:30 Tea time break
(10)16:30-17:10 Special Lecture -Naoya Hasegawa
JFMA Award memorial speech, Member's Promotion seminar
(11)17:20-18:00 Special Lecture -Naoya Hasegawa
JFMA Award memorial speech, Member's Promotion seminar
★ Communication buffet :2F Room HOURAI(蓬莱) 11:30-12:40
Communication time of FM related members and lightmeal lunch buffet.
**Important-A special fee is needed.
・Special entrance fee : 500JPY (200 first arrival-limited)
- 3. Expenses
(1)You will be invited to the participation in any program of the Forum.
(2)I’m afraid we won't be able to pay for the transportation and accommodations.
- 4. Registration fees
★Seminars and exhibition fee
(1)JFMA Member : 2,000JPY
(2)JFMA Non-Member : 3,000JPY
★Networking party fee: 5,000JPY
(A special fee are needed. Please participation registration.)
★Communication buffet fee: 500JPY (A special fee are needed.)
** If you make the participation registration preliminary by this application form, The 'Seminars and exhibition fee' become free.
- 5.Contact Us
Japan Facility Management Association(JFMA)
Masao Kawamura
2-13-6 Nihombashi-hamacho Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan(103-0007)
phone: +81-3-6912-1177
fax : +81-3-6912-1178
e-mail :

Prior Registration
We would appreciate it if you register the FORUM application form,
Input to the following form, and please send that to Kawamura ( in an E-mail.
・Form Download:
FACILITY MANAGEMENT FORUM Prior registration application form