On behalf of JFMA, I’d like to invite you to participate in the JFMA FORUM 2013 on March 13th and 14th at Tokyo, Japan.
Last year about 2,700 people participated in JFMA FORUM 2012 for three days. About 22 exhibitors will join the exhibition.
It is the biggest FM event now in Japan. We have decided to invite FM related people from abroad to the Asia FM Summit in JFMA FORUM program.

- 1. JFMA FORUM 2013 Program at a glance
JFMA FORUM 2013 Website(Japanese Only) :
(1) Theme: The Future; Energy & Facilities
(2) Schedule: March 12th -14th 2013
(3) Venue: Tower Hall Funabori
4-1-1 Funabori Edogawa-ku Tokyo, Japan 134-0091
Phone: +81-3-5676-2211
Home Page: (Japanese Only)
(4) Hosted: Japan Facility Management Association
(5) Contents:
Keynote speech, Educational seminars (70 items), JFMA Award memorial speech and ceremony, Networking party, Asia FM Summit, Exhibition, Charity concert , etc.
- 2. Program Schedule
■March 12th(Tue)
Venue:Tower Hall Funabori 5F Grand hall
(1)13:30-14:20 Guidance speech (Harumi Sakamoto: JFMA chairman)
(2)14:30-15:50 Keynote speech (Shinichi Takemura: Kyoto Zokei University, Professor)
(3)16:00-17:20 Special speech (Masakazu Toyoda: Japan Energy and Economy Research Institute, Director)
★19:00-21:00 Charity concert
■March 13th(Wed)
Venue:Tower Hall Funabori 5F Small hall, 2F Meeting rooms
Exhibition:1F Exhibition hall
(1)10:30-11:20 Educational seminars
(2)11:30-12:30 Educational seminars
(3)12:20-13:20 Lunch break
(4)13:20-14:10 Educational seminars
(5)14:20-15:10 Educational seminars
(6)15:10-15:45 Tea time break
(7)15:50-16:40 Educational seminars JFMA Award ceremony
(8)16:50-17:40 Educational seminars JFMA Award ceremony
★18:30-20:45 Networking party
■March 14th(Thu)
Venue:Tower Hall Funabori 5F Small hall, 2F Meeting rooms, 3F Room 303
Exhibition:1F Exhibition hall
(1)10:30-11:20 Educational seminars, Asia FM Summit
(2)11:30-12:30 Educational seminars, Asia FM Summit
(3)12:20-13:20 Lunch break, Asia FM Summit
(4)13:20-14:10 Educational seminars, Asia FM Summit
(5)14:20-15:10 Educational seminars, Asia FM Summit
(6)15:10-15:45 Tea time break
(7)15:50-16:40 Educational seminars
(8)16:50-17:40 Educational seminars
- 3. What I'd like to ask you,
(1)Participation in the Networking party, March 13th 18:30-20:45 (About 300 people will attend)
(2)Participation in the Asia FM Summit, March 14th 10:30-15:10 ( You will be among about 30 other invitees from Korea, China, Singapore, Macao, Indonesia, Australia etc. Communication all in English.)
(3)Short presentation at Asia FM Summit above (For Archibus FM trend, 20-30 minutes in English, With PowerPoint slides better.)
- 4. Expenses
(1)You will be invited to the participation in any program of the Forum.
(2)I’m afraid we won’t be able to pay for the transportation and accommodations.
- 5.Contact Us
Japan Facility Management Association(JFMA)
Executive Director, Yoshiki Ikeda
2-13-6 Nihombashi-hamacho Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan(103-0007)
phone: +81-3-6912-1177
fax : +81-3-6912-1178
e-mail :

Prior Registration
We will be appreciated if you inform us whether you will attend the Forum or not.
You input it into the following form, and please send it back in E-mail to Ikeda (
・Form Download:
JFMA FORUM 2013 Prior registration application form (xls. 56KB)